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Let's Talk Passion and If You Have Any

Tips on How To Discover Your Passion

By Precious OfoegbuPublished 7 years ago 3 min read

Know that you are unique...

We all have been endowed with incredible talents, gifts, and abilities from birth. Our gifts mean that each of us carries on the inside a solution to a particular problem. How amazing is that? You may not think you're something special but you actually are. You have a unique DNA makeup and fingerprint; even the pattern of your iris (the coloured part of your pupil) is not the same as anyone else's. I hope that you're inspired enough after reading this to discover (or rediscover) your passion, and to do something positive about it. So let me start by asking you this: are you doing currently spending the best part of your day doing what you absolutely love? If your answer is yes, well done. From the sounds of it you're already walking in your passion so I don't need to encourage you about that ;) However, if your answer is a no then we should talk...

Get passionate.

Jumping out of bed in the morning and being filled with bundles of enthusiasm and motivation for the new day may sound like a wild fantasy to you right now, but actually, it's a reality for many people who are boldly "living" their passion. And guess what? It can be yours too, trust me.

I've started to pay more attention to the things that interest and motivate me — my passions, more recently. And I realised I have a passion for helping people find solutions to their problems. I'm a natural born "fixer." I love to be organised, make lists, and write. So I decided to pursue projects in those areas. Take me writing this motivational newsletter for example; I'm combining my love for writing and helping others. It doesn't put food on the table or pay the bills (yet), but just starting it has given me an immense feeling of satisfaction. I've added more meaning and value to my life. What am I saying? You too should go ahead and start that blog, charity, or business that you've been contemplating for a while. Take that course, start practicing cake decorating or photography. Whatever you love doing, give that passion some time and attention, nurture it, and see where it takes you. Because I was brave and started writing a monthly newsletter called Yes You Can! I've been offered the opportunity to write more motivational articles like this one on a much bigger platform for the charity I currently volunteer for. The moral of this story is: your passion will open doors of opportunity for you. But first you have to start.

Tips & Task

If you can't get in touch with your passion because you have absolutely no clue what it is, then consider taking stock of all the things you can do, or have a knack for. It doesn't even have to be a practical tangible thing like being good at drawing. It could be that you're a good listener, you're very understanding, or you have an excellent memory. These are still gifts. Consider how can you improve and use them.

  • Another tip is to go back to your childhood; what were the things you loved to do (other than playing of course!)? For me, I loved writing and reading. What were your favorite pastimes?
  • Also, consider the things people always compliment you on; for example, your natural fashion sense — your passion may be fashion styling. Or do you have an ability to confidently talk to large groups of people? Then maybe you have a secret passion for presenting.
  • Ask a trusted friend or family member what they think your talent or natural ability is. Another opinion can help you to consider something you hadn't paid attention to.
  • List all of the results down from the above exercises, and go through them one by one eliminating any that don't resonate with you.
I really do hope this has inspired you to get in touch with your passion.
how to

About the Creator

Precious Ofoegbu

I coach, mentor and love to write about living a purposeful, focused and goal orientated life. I write a newsletter called Yes You Can! to inspire and motivate people to be better versions of themselves. Email me:

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