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How To Overcome Writer's Block

Creative constipation is painful, but you can work through it.

By AmandaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
How To Overcome Writer's Block
Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Some may argue that writer's block is not a real thing, that the only problem is that people want an excuse not to write or something to blame bad writing on... but I don't think that's the case.

I think writer's block is real and can be really scary and upsetting if you don't know what to do to fix it, but do not fret! There are some very simple tricks you can use to overcome those pesky obstacles that come your way. Here are a few that I've found very helpful.

1. Accept that you have writer's block.

The worst thing you can do when you have a block is to deny that you are at a loss for what to write. Start by accepting that you are stuck, and try not to see the block as an end all be all of your writing. This way it will be much easier to overcome.

2. Write down anything and everything.

Carry a notebook with you whenever you can, or type out your ideas on your phone or computer. The point is, write down your ideas when they come to you, no matter how silly they may feel.

Which leads me to trick number 3...

3. Don't worry about how your ideas sound.

Remember that your writing is yours, and if you're worried about how it sounds, you don't have to show it to anyone. So write. Then, if you feel like your idea is good, you can show it off. If not, delete the document or tear up your pages. There is no harm caused by trying an idea out.

4. Try jumping to another part of your plot.

You don't need to write in order, you just need to keep with the main idea. If you're stuck on a part of a story and don't know how to get to the next part, try skipping what you're stuck on and go to the next event.

5. Take a break.

Meditate, go for a walk, drink a cup of coffee, go out with your friends, talk to your parents... just do something that will take your mind off of your story, and you might feel inspired again!

6. Find inspiration in your day to day life.

Reflect on your own life. Think about your favourite memories or the people in your life. They can be sources of inspiration or good starting points for your imagination.

7. When in doubt, go back to basics.

Try a writing prompt, use an outline or a diagram, write dialogue, look over the rules of style and grammar. Technical writing elements might remind you what drew you to writing in the first place.

8. Edit**

**I suggest you don't edit while you write, but if you are really stuck, go ahead and do this.

Edit one of your other pieces to find your voice again, or go back to the work you're stuck on and edit what you've already written. This might spark some inspiration, and if it doesn't, you'll have advanced on editing at the very least.

By Daniel McCullough on Unsplash

My final words of advice are straightforward: no matter how bad your block is, no matter how bad you feel, whatever you do... DO NOT give up. You can get over your inspirational drought and you can find your spark again. The most productive thing you can do is write, just write until you have nothing left to say. Even if what you've written is short, full of mistakes, or similar to other work, you'll have gotten the ball rolling. If you go over what you have, you might be surprised. Write what makes you happy and you won't feel like its a chore.

I can't guarantee that these tips will help you get rid of your writer's block, but they will certainly begin the process. If you're confident and you believe in yourself you can get anything done.

Good luck and happy writing!


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A passionate young person sharing what she loves

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