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How Companies Impact Others' Positivity

Companies That Help Others

By Dawn CastellPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Even though we may feel like we live on an island at times, we must understand that our actions affect others and others' actions affect us. This is very true of the companies in the world today. There are certain companies that are very invested in the happiness of their customers. When companies understand just how important their actions are to others, they usually decide to impact society in a more positive way. Understanding just how these companies do impact others for good can give you a better understanding of the future of corporations in the world today.

Exercising responsible sourcing

Responsible sourcing is a great way to encourage overall environmental friendliness and attention to ethics when working as a growing corporation. While many corporations use less than desirable methods to source their materials or products, it is the ones that maintain a responsible code of ethics when it comes to sourcing that helps to raise the bar for society. Doterra sourcing is a great example of a company that has been able to find amazing partners and source their ingredients from reputable and trusted growers.

Setting a good example to the public

When companies are in a position of power, it is as if all eyes are on them. It is important for them to act responsibly with this power. Enron is an example of a company that did the exact opposite with this power. Their executives tried to get away with creating a scam that would go undetected for the foreseeable future. However, their actions finally caught up with them. When corporations take the high road, individuals have more faith in the system. They see that those in the position of power are willing to sacrifice gain in order to take the moral high road. When people see the most powerful individuals making the right choices, it gives them more of a reason to make the right choices, too.

Creating products that impact peoples’ moods

When it comes to creating products that impact peoples’ moods positively, comedians, artists, and musicians usually come to mind. However, it is the larger companies that push these products to the masses that are responsible for getting this art out to those who need it. Even the most uplifting comedian who can make many laugh wouldn’t have as big of an audience without a promotion company that helps get their message out to many.

Promoting positivity on social media

Many companies are turning to social media in order to get their word out. It is important for companies to use social media as a way to promote their message, as well as spreading positivity to others. If all large companies would use social media to push a message of positivity, there would be a much greater reason to use social media on a regular basis. Individuals would end up feeling uplifted and energized after viewing social media rather than feeling unmotivated and as if they wasted time.

Using their marketing efforts for more than just selling products

Most major companies spend hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars on their marketing efforts. If companies decided to use a portion of this budget for more than just advertising their products or services, they could spend those resources on promoting a positive message. These positive messages could reach hundreds of thousands and even millions of individuals all around the world. YouTube ads, billboards, Super Bowl commercials, and magazine ads could soon become a place where positivity is spread through to the masses.

As the future unfolds, we will most likely see companies that are willing to promote positivity more and more on a regular basis. Once the ball gets rolling, it will only be a matter of time before we see more companies that are pushing towards having a more positive impact on society. This will create a ripple effect that will go throughout the world, making everyone just a little bit happier and more positive every day.


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