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13 Tips for Maintaining Motivation as a Writer

Writing takes desire, commitment and self-discipline.

By Evie MillsPublished 5 years ago 5 min read

If you are struggling to find the motivation to complete an essay, polish off an article or finish a book, here are useful tips to motivate and inspire yourself as a writer.

1. Turn off your inner critic

While most writers aim for perfection when writing, your first draft doesn’t have to be perfect. Author Anne Lamott coined the term, "shitty first drafts," emphasizing the importance of simply getting your thoughts onto paper and trusting the process. It’s the imperfect first draft that then leads to the sub-par second draft and eventually the clarity that’s required for a brilliant third (or fourth or fifth). Just write down your thoughts. When you stop to edit, rewrite and delete, you will end up playing critic or reader, not the writer. Remember your work will have plenty of critics once you publish it. For now, write and enjoy the process.

2. Minimize distractions

You can temporarily disable your internet connection and use your laptop just for typing. Most phones and laptops have a feature known as "aeroplane mode." When you turn it on, your internet connection is temporarily disabled. When you spend most of your time reading emails and responding to messages, it becomes difficult to focus on your writing. By eliminating such distractions, you can put all your attention to your project. You can enjoy social media as a reward once you complete your work.

3. Share your work with a friend

You can meet a friend regularly to discuss ideas on how you can improve your writing. Find a real friend who enjoys writing or loves reading. Set a regular schedule every week to talk about the new things you have written. This is a great way to improve your writing and will inspire you to write new material to discuss with your friend when you meet. Having a friend critique your work will help improve your confidence as a writer.

4. Reward yourself

You can treat yourself every now and then when you complete a project or deadline. Enjoy a hot cup of coffee or take time off from writing to read your favorite blog or do any activity that you enjoy. When you reward yourself once you meet your writing goals, you will be motivated to keep on writing.

5. Don’t beat yourself up

Making mistakes is all part of the writing process. There’s no need to beat yourself down when you make mistakes in your writing. While it may be tempting to give up during the writing process, remember practice makes perfect. Work on improving your craft every day and you will see significant improvements with time.

6. Set the scene

Just like in any good story, you need to set the scene for yourself. Create a writing environment conducive to your creativity. Whether this means a distraction-free office, or a quaint sidewalk coffee shop playing smooth jazz tunes. When you feel calm and relaxed in your working space, you’re giving yourself the best opportunity to ease into the job of writing.

7. Create a ritual

Are you one of those writers who can’t start work unless they cradle a cup of hot tea or coffee in their hands first? Maybe you have a special writing box you unfold with all your ideas scribbled down on paper from the night before, that signals to your brain it’s writing time. Or do you need classical music playing in the background to set the mood? Every writer will tell you a different primer or ritual they have which help prepare them for work mode. Understand what yours is and honor it!

8. Set a goal

Have a plan before you start writing. Setting a realistic goal will help you write more words in a short period. You can also set a deadline to keep you on track and ensure you meet your goal. When you have a goal and deadline, it is easier to break your work into manageable sections.

9. Use a timer

You can set a timer to improve your efficiency. Set a timer for ten minutes and write whatever comes to mind. The rule of thumb is to try and write as many words as possible on a blank page. When you use a timer, you can break down the work into manageable increments instead of assuming you can complete the whole project in a single sitting.

10. Create a vision board

Hanging a motivational portrait on your desk can keep you motivated to keep writing. You can keep a picture of a city where you dream of traveling to when you complete your project. As a suggestion, you can write inspiring words and place them on your desk.

11. Find a local writing group

You can find a local writing group where you can get new ideas from other writers. It is very beneficial if you can share your struggles with other writers who are also trying to better their craft. Joining a writing group will fuel your drive to create something new as you will want to show other writers how your writing has improved.

12. Ask for help

If you have doubts during the writing process, ask for assistance from someone who has experience in your field. If you want to become a great writer, you need to surround yourself with mentors and study how they do things. Read blogs and listen to podcasts if you want to improve your writing.

13. Read widely

The importance of reading widely can never be stressed enough. Reading is crucial, especially when you lack motivation. Whenever you get free time, explore a variety of forms and genres. Read both fiction and non-fiction articles, magazine and poetry, and short stories. Read everything you can get your hands on, as this will improve your writing style. Try and study other writers as a source of inspiration, encouragement and motivation.

If you want to become a better writer, you need to make writing part of your everyday routine. Don’t let your insecurities and anxiety stop you from achieving your true potential. As mentioned above, remember that consistent practice will ultimately hone your craft.


About the Creator

Evie Mills

Designing, Blogging, Relationships, Social Media, Lifestyle.

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