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Book Editing Website Business

A Business Idea with a Twist

By Iria Vasquez-PaezPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

One of my business ideas is a website that people can edit books on. It would have a back office where you can log in. Then as an editor, you can edit a manuscript inside the back office using a program that allows for proofs with a track changes feature, like in Word 2017 or below. People would make money getting paid for their editing work done entirely online without a need to print anything. Authors have tendencies to procrastinate sometimes, in particular with regard to editing. Editing is what causes ferocious and serious procrastination tendencies. Publishing a book requires persistence, as well as writing talent, which reflects consistency.

My website would be a remote option for editing books of any length. I need help in the realms of venture capital, programming, and hosting, but I am dirt poor on low-income with no access to loans, venture capital, or anything else for that matter. I’m working on my T-shirt business idea as well, but I need to find resources for that too. This is another article that can be found on Vocal. Stay tuned, in the meantime, I’m writing about this book editing website idea.

Writers need a resource of some one stop-shop platform that can help them edit their work. They need access to editors. Many people have no one who can edit their work for them. Any writer has to edit their work for themselves half the time. Sometimes we are too close to our work, requiring an editor to help us figure out where we do not make sense or where we went wrong. Writing is a process and it means that editing is a part of that process. A website would put editors together in one place, a website that would be easy to find if you search for book editing websites. We would provide a freelance service, paying editors per word. A writer would only pay $5.99 a month for the subscription. The website would be able to pay the editors.

The website also needs to be a listing aggregation of all websites similar to this one, as well as a way to find other, once again aggregated, list of writing jobs found on Craigslist, or other job websites. I will have to update the blurb I wrote to include this new idea. We need to create more writing jobs online for any writer who wants to be published. Writers have to publish their work somehow, and these days email submissions are better to use than they used to be. We are eliminating the use of paper using paperless billing solutions on the internet. We are also making ebooks, which are the wave of the future. I hope that when I get into law school, all my books can be on Kindle or some other iPod, and I can eliminate the need to carry heavy books around. I once threw my back out from books in high school. Paper is expensive. Digital is only in megabytes or kilobytes.

If we went paperless, we would damage the environment less, which is why I have an idea for a website that is paperless, and entirely online. Nobody would have to lift a finger using paper. My book editing website however, is already in existence. There are other types of book editing websites out there that you can find if you do a quick Google search. My idea is not unique, but I do need to find help for it since I have no venture capital to speak of let alone a job to pay my living expenses. I am diligently looking for a job right now. It will be forthcoming, but I have to work at this. I’m in the process of writing down my business ideas in the form of plans or blurbs, which are all in the get it on paper phase, and not the “I need venture capital” phase. I have no idea where to go for venture capital yet. If anybody can help me, let me know on everything I put up here so we can get this stuff together in an efficient way.


About the Creator

Iria Vasquez-Paez

I have a B.A. in creative writing from San Francisco State. Can people please donate? I'm very low-income. I need to start an escape the Ferengi plan.

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